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The observer


Observers, like Arianna, are often the patient’s children and close friends, not their main caregivers.


They constantly worry about the patient they are close to, since their patient has decided to shelter them from their personal experience dealing with the disease.

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They often don’t feel comfortable in asking the patient what they can do for them in terms of emotional support, which makes them unsure of how to act around the patient. 

“As a viewer, you don’t know what to do for your loved one.”

Using fuel to improve their communication with others

Main motivator

To know about the patient’s status and experience from a point of view that is different from the medical one.


Because the medical information they have access to doesn’t fit the patient’s daily realities, and their efforts to support the patient are constantly failing.

We help them

To view the patient’s status and understand what it means, and access strategies to help them better support their patient.

Previous persona

Test the prototype

Use Fuel as Ariana to understand her patient’s current status and receive advice in how to support the patient based on it.

Next persona

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