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What we have done


Cimex Cooling pole and Mat

Pocket Nature

Creation of two different prototypes:

  • Cimex Cooling pole and Mat: sketch of aircon pole with waterproof mat under tent

  • Pocket Nature: LED social notification with water/air fan

屏幕快照 2021-03-04 19.13.14.png

Rediscovering User

Whilst people enjoy disconnection from the normal stresses of everyday life, they don't mind bringing and using technology when camping
Some people like going camping but are only confident in doing so when they are with another person who knows what they are doing

Problem statement

How can we provide people with the ideal camping environment during warmer weather to ensure they're mentally and physically rejuvenated using natural cooling resources.


Catherine likes nature, helping the environment and social
She dislikes bugs, heat and harsh chemicals
She trusts professionals - people with experience. She plans and researches before doing tasks
Values connection with family and friends, hygiene and enjoys being active
Nervous camper, passive team member and relies on others to make judgement calls.
She tends to research before doing things and loves gadgets

屏幕快照 2021-03-04 19.34.05.png



Made with pvc pipe and soaker hose

In our funky prototyping we combine elements of our individual prototypes and combine into funky prototyping and focused how far the mist would spray and functionality as well as interaction with power of the mist


"The mist made the ground wet, which might be unpleasant especially on soft ground"

- 40 M Intermediate Camper

"not sure LED lights will cover extensive area - perhaps they need to be bigger or longer strip"

- 30 F Novice Camper

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